3rd Grade School Supply List
6 glue sticks
3 packs of wide-ruled notebook paper
1 pack of dry erase markers (any single color or variety of colors is fine)
2 yellow highlighters
6 black/white composition books
1 pack of colored pencils
1 box of crayons (16-24 count)
3 packs of sharpened #2 pencils.
2 large pink erasers
1 pair scissors
2 pocket 3prong folders for homework
1 box markers (12 count)
1 set of multiplication cards (math facts up to 12)) and 1 set of division flashcards (KEEP BOTH SETS AT HOME)
1 pack of white copy paper
Boys please bring:
2 containers of anti-bacterial wipes (like Clorox or Lysol)
2 packs of 3x5 index cards (lined)
1 box of gallon-sized baggies